Off-Campus Provider Search

Please use the options below to search for an off campus therapist in the Santa Cruz area. This is a list of therapists only (Marriage and Family Therapists, Clinical Social Workers, and Psychologists) who have chosen to be part of the UCSC off campus provider database. If you would like a referral to a psychiatrist, please call CAPS at 831-459-2628. If you would like further help in finding an off campus therapist, please call CAPS at 831-459-2628 and we would be happy to help.

Please Note: CAPS assists in matching you with an appropriate clinician based on the clinician's self-report. CAPS does not endorse any referred to clinicians. The database is intended to offer suggestions for private practitioners and agencies in the community. Each therapist works autonomously and has full, separate, legal, therapeutic responsibility for his/her clients. The UCSC Counseling Center offers this database as a resource and this does not constitute endorsement of any of the listed treatment providers or facilities. Users assume responsibility for evaluating and selecting among the providers included in these listings. If you are under the age of 18 we recommend that you see the advice of an adult as you consider these treatment options.

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